
Showing posts from August, 2008

Proverbs 31 Woman

Photo by Sarah Plett Y esterday, I saw two of my good friends make a life commitment to one another. It was a beautiful ceremony, and God-honoring. Just today, I read Proverbs 31, where it speaks of The Wife of Noble Character. In reading this, I thought of Keslie, and what her new role is as a wife. She already was a woman of noble character, but now she is the "the wife". What joy she will find in doing so for the man God purposed for her! My heart is full of joy for them both! Proverbs 31:10-31 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. She considers a f

Diary of My Single Life

There is one part of being single that I find quite challenging. The waiting is hard; but the most challenging is the men in your life. Being single, as long as I have, I have found many a man that I have been interested in. They come.....and they go! They come into your life; you are attracted to them; you find them easy to talk to, and they have a great sense of humor; they love the Lord, so on and so on. These men are the one's you start thinking that this is the "one" you've been waiting for. Then you, either, lose interest in them because you found that they aren't exactly what you want; or they start dating or courting someone else, when you thought they were interested in you; or they are much younger than you and you can't wrap your head around being with them; or it's one of those men that you just can't get out of your mind, and it's the long drawn out process of liking them for so long that it will come to complete heartache, AGAIN! W

Moments of Laughter

Yesterday, my mom and I went to run errands. My first stop was the Insurance company. While I was getting out of the car, my mom asked me what I was going to do there. I told her, "I'm going to pay for my health, and cancel my life." After I said it, it took a second to register what I said, and my mom and I died laughing! Hmmm, I never thought I would do that at the Insurance company!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lady Heather's Favorite Movie Quote

I f that isn't a perfect proposal, I don't know what is!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Robin Hood and Maid Marian Berry Tyme Ball

Introducing......... The White Dress! O n Saturday, we had the Robin Hood and Maid Marian Berry Thyme Ball! This ball was held in our local ballroom, which is rare. This ball seemed to me the best ever! I think it was the Ballroom atmosphere, with the decorations, the beautiful dresses and the *ahem* very handsome men. I believe my dress helped in how much I enjoyed this ball too, as funny as it sounds. It turned out great! I put some blood, sweat and tears into it. It was well worth the work to hear the compliments I got. Thank you, again, to the Plett's, for all your hard work in hosting these balls! And thanks to Laura for making those beautiful hair wreaths!! They were beautiful! Enjoy the pictures! I wish I took more, but I had to dance, right?! Laura K. in her beautiful dress! Doesn't she just look radiant?! Me and Laura K. Yes, I'm talking. I was trying to tell my mom how to take a picture with my camera. Alaina and Laura K. Maddy! I had made her and her si

Tori's Birthday

M y niece celebrated her 8th Birthday last week! Wow, time went by really fast! I remembered when she was this little baby doll toddler, the cutest baby you'd ever seen. Now she is a pretty, energetic, tom-boy, girly girl! I love you, Tori! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bessie Pease Gutmann

J ust this past week, I really looked into the artist of Bessie Pease Gutman. Working at an Antique Mall, you'll find some of her work....and they don't come cheap! Her artistry is beautiful and sweet! I thought she only did baby and toddler painting, but she also has some of woman that are just gorgeous! Here are few paintings that I have come to love: Taps The Great Love My Darling Blossoms Daddy 's Coming Blossom Time Harmony The Lullaby Go visit the Bessie Pease Gutmann Fine Art Collection to see more! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Image what I made yesterday! It was added to my Lady Heather Creations shop! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A Time of Prayer and Devotion

T here is a friend who asked her friends, in her blog, about when they do their prayer and devotions, and how they go about it. This got me thinking of my own struggles, at times, when I don't take the time, in my day, to spend time with God. Those days I don't, my heart aches and hungers, it is disturbed, and it's hard to get through the day. Quite awhile ago, I wanted to start spending time with Him before my day starts. There are many men and women, that I know, that do just that. There are some that get up at 3 or 4 in the morning! What faithfulness! What devotion to God!! I sometimes wonder if I'm willing to do the same. I could easily say, no, that's just crazy, I rather sleep. But isn't that a bit selfish? Isn't it more important that your time is spent with God? I'm not saying that getting up that early is what we need to do to be truly devoted to God; but it's the willingness, the faithfullness, the hunger to be with God! "In the mor

Camp Dwight 2008

T his is the second time I went to Camp Dwight, and enjoyed every minute! It's a chance to see old friends and make new one's; to grow closer in my walk with the Lord; lots of laughter; lots of talent; lots of good food! I find that what I experience at Camp Dwight, is what it will be like in heaven, with our family of God! Enjoy the pictures and videos! The lower campground The meeting place Amy, my friend and tent roomie! Great pianist too! A sweet time with my name twin! Soaking our feet in the cool creek Our view! Kami, our fashion model! A new friend, Hannah! She's a Riot with a capital "R"! Sweet Sarah! So good to see her! Elisabeth The Sweethearts The Water Slide! The Music! Baby sweetness! Pretty Amber! Jam time! Yummy Food! Awwww! Heather, with her boyfriend! Amy and Annie Precious Friends! So tired after 48 hours of fun! Oh, and a good pic of me, thanks to Sarah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~