Robin Hood and Maid Marian Berry Tyme Ball

The White Dress!
On Saturday, we had the Robin Hood and Maid Marian Berry Thyme Ball! This ball was held in our local ballroom, which is rare. This ball seemed to me the best ever! I think it was the Ballroom atmosphere, with the decorations, the beautiful dresses and the *ahem* very handsome men. I believe my dress helped in how much I enjoyed this ball too, as funny as it sounds. It turned out great! I put some blood, sweat and tears into it. It was well worth the work to hear the compliments I got.
Thank you, again, to the Plett's, for all your hard work in hosting these balls! And thanks to Laura for making those beautiful hair wreaths!! They were beautiful!
Enjoy the pictures! I wish I took more, but I had to dance, right?!
Laura K. in her beautiful dress! Doesn't she just look radiant?!

Me and Laura K. Yes, I'm talking. I was trying to tell my mom how to take a picture with my camera.

Alaina and Laura K.

Maddy! I had made her and her sisters dresses! They looked so pretty!

Anna, Chelsea and me! Aren't they gorgeous?!

Maddy and Laura

Laura, calling one of the dances.

A performance by my friends! It is called Agreers. Enjoy!



Family said…
Wow Heather!!! The dress is GORGEOUS!

Looks like it was a beautiful ball!
Ana said…
Your dress is so beautiful!! I totally understand how it can make a ball much more enjoyable to wear such beautiful things!
Anonymous said…
Great pictures Heather!

Your dress was stunning, I was so glad to see it in person. You did a wonderful job sewing.

Love, Heidi
Anonymous said…
I love seeing all the dresses but yours is my favorite! Is that your mom at the piano?
Kasha Sue said…
Watching your friends dance made me want to cry, it looks like so much fun and I miss dancing! Your dress is lovely, did you use Mrs. Chancey's pattern? (I found your site through HSA)
Have a beautiful day!

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