
Showing posts from June, 2008

Charlyn's Moving Away Party

This last Sunday, all of us gathered together to say "goodbye" to our friend, Charlyn. Yet, we will see her again a few times before she leaves, this fun day was for her. We were supposed to take a tour of Deepwood Estate, but found there was a wedding going on. It was disappointing because I had told them we were coming that day. So we just took walk through the garden/hiking trail. :P During that time, my batteries decided not to work in my camera. Thank goodness for all the pictures everyone else took. We took a few pictures in a very pretty area, and were about to dance ECD until someone found out we weren't supposed to be there because the wedding rented "all" of the Deepwood Estate. So we headed down the road to the Bush House and Gardens. How beautiful the site, the gardens and the house! Most of us girls dressed up in our regency gowns, which turned into a photshoot! At one point I felt as if we were in a Jane Austen movie.....seeing all the girls walki

Cardboard Testimonies

Please watch this video of Cardboard Testimonies. To see how the Lord God has worked in so many of these lives, just brings tears in your eyes.

Portrait of a Lady - Blog change

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a Lady. One who always looks beautiful, a smile on my face, patient, graceful, kind, gentle, loving and so on. Now that I am older, my perspective on being a Lady has changed, but see those as very Fine Qualities of being a TRUE Lady. A TRUE Lady is one who Loves and Fears the Lord! And when she does so, those Fine Qualities will come more naturally as she continues to live her life for the Lord! Proverbs 31:30 With that said: I just wanted to let all of you know that I have decided to change my posts. I want this blog to be a Portrait of a Lady, glorifying God in all I write and share about my life and the things I learned, and/or continuing to learn. I also have changed the music I have on this blog. I want this blog to be enjoyable to all who enter it, and I know some may have not liked some of the music I had on here. It is also a distraction to hear someone singing while you are trying to read a blog. Well, it would be to me. :D T

Hiking Multnomah Falls

This last Thursday, some friends and I went hiking at Multnomah Falls. That was an experience I wanted to take. Even though it was really hard hiking up those hills and trying not to fall off the cliff....I did enjoy the time I got to take these pictures. I also got to spend sometime with a new friend, since she and I were the "slow" ones. A scene from the area we were having lunch, before the hike. Brian P. chatting away with Amy, Mrs. Wiltbank and David Charlyn waiting to meet a friend she met on HSA. Melissa was my hiking buddy. She is Charlyn's cousin. On this trip, I attempted photography, which is something I'm learning. I like how some of them turned out. Natural light is the best when taking a picture. I will name this picture "YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT?" Those were the exact words out of my mouth when I saw that we had to walk across the path of rocks, which wasn't too far off of falling!! I'm not a big fan of heights, but I got throug

Dare To Be A Lady

"I am a lady, therefore I will not...... Disrespect my family. (Mom and Dad know best!)... Sacrifice girl time. (They're pretty rockin'!)... Initiate dates. (I want to be pursued!)... Dress immodestly. (Modest is the hottest!)... Open my own doors. (I'm not lazy, it's just that chivalry is not dead!)... Make the first move. (I really stink at chess...)... Have a potty-mouth. (Toilets belong in stalls...)... Tempt my brothers in Christ. (He's someone's future husband.)... Deny the power of prayer. (Amen.)... Violate my purity. (True love waits.)... Have the manners of a cavewoman. (I was not born in a barn.)... Dance in a way that does not honor God. (Grinding is done in woodshop class, not on the dance floor.)... Abuse my body with alcohol and other drugs. (My body is a temple of God!)... Obsess about my physical appearance. (I am fearfully and wonderfully made.)... Be discontent in my current situation. (God knows how to give good gifts--th

My Nephew is Blogging

Today I just found out that my nephew started his own blog!!! It's exciting to be able to hear what is going on in his life since we live so far apart!! His blog is called Andrew's Neighborhood! And the first thing when you enter his blog, you start hearing the Mister Rodger's Neighborhood theme song! Very appropriate I must say for Andrew's Neighborhood! :D