
Showing posts from August, 2010

Dear Autumn

D ear Autumn , O h, how I have missed you! Y ou are the colors of orange, yellow, red and green that thrill my heart! O h, how I’ve longed for you! Y ou are the leaves that we hear crunch beneath our shoes! O h, how I’ve dreamed of you! Y ou are the beginnings of harvest and the smells of homemade pumpkin pie! O h, how I’ve hungered for you! Y ou are the leaves of different shapes and colors that show God’s wonderment! O h, how I’ve wished for you! Y ou are what brings my heart to a place of warm childhood memories! O h, how I want to remember you! Y ou are the fire in the hearth with a cup of hot apple cider and a good book! O h, how I’ve pined for you! Y ou are the candles I light that will fill ou