A Time of Prayer and Devotion

There is a friend who asked her friends, in her blog, about when they do their prayer and devotions, and how they go about it. This got me thinking of my own struggles, at times, when I don't take the time, in my day, to spend time with God. Those days I don't, my heart aches and hungers, it is disturbed, and it's hard to get through the day.
Quite awhile ago, I wanted to start spending time with Him before my day starts. There are many men and women, that I know, that do just that. There are some that get up at 3 or 4 in the morning! What faithfulness! What devotion to God!! I sometimes wonder if I'm willing to do the same. I could easily say, no, that's just crazy, I rather sleep. But isn't that a bit selfish? Isn't it more important that your time is spent with God? I'm not saying that getting up that early is what we need to do to be truly devoted to God; but it's the willingness, the faithfullness, the hunger to be with God!
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:3

Hear My Voice

When I wake, in the morning, hear my voice

Before the day starts, before words spoken, hear my voice

Before decisions made, before plans are laid, hear my voice
Before my tasks, before my wants of the day, hear my voice
Before my pride gets in the way, before the fall that follows right away, hear my voice.
Before anger, before fear, hear my voice
Before my anxious thoughts, before deep despair, hear my voice
Before unexpected moments, before tragedy that may strike, hear my voice
Before the blessings of the day, before precious times made, hear my voice...
O Lord, You hear my voice.
~ Lady Heather
"Being at peace with the All-Sufficient One means that I have shalom: peace, wholeness, completeness. Becoming one with Him begins by getting acquainted with Him. How? By listening to and internalizing His laws for living, returning to Him when I get off track, and giving Him my treasures so He can be my Treasure. When I am one with Him, what then? Effective prayers, victory where I once fell down, and joy in His presence." From "Become One With Him", Young Ladies Christian Fellowship


Anonymous said…
Hi Heather, I just found your blog via your hsa blog. I am Heidi of the Alps!

This post was such an encouragement to me as I to am trying to devote my early morning time to God. It really changes the entire outcome of the day, but it is far too easy to make excuses for avoiding it.

May God bless you,
Love, Heidi

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