Charlyn's Moving Away Party

This last Sunday, all of us gathered together to say "goodbye" to our friend, Charlyn. Yet, we will see her again a few times before she leaves, this fun day was for her.
We were supposed to take a tour of Deepwood Estate, but found there was a wedding going on. It was disappointing because I had told them we were coming that day. So we just took walk through the garden/hiking trail. :P During that time, my batteries decided not to work in my camera. Thank goodness for all the pictures everyone else took. We took a few pictures in a very pretty area, and were about to dance ECD until someone found out we weren't supposed to be there because the wedding rented "all" of the Deepwood Estate.
So we headed down the road to the Bush House and Gardens. How beautiful the site, the gardens and the house! Most of us girls dressed up in our regency gowns, which turned into a photshoot! At one point I felt as if we were in a Jane Austen movie.....seeing all the girls walking in the garden at a distance with our dresses! Our friend Josh took the opportunity to take beautiful pictures of all of us girls, and well.....funny one's of the guys!!
Then we all decided to dance near the house! Too bad I don't have any pics of that, but it was quite fun!
Once the dancing was done, we entered the Bush House! How beautiful it was, just even entering the house you were in complete awe! We all enjoyed the history that was shared, plus all the decor and paintings! We found out that most of the furnishings and such were all the family's belongings! They did have to re-wallpaper a few rooms, due to water damage, and also some rugs! Do you know how they cleaned the original wallpaper? With erasers!!! Wow!
After the Bush house, we went to Marie Callender's to enjoy a bit of food and dessert and fellowship! Some also gave some gifts and encouraging words and memories to Charlyn!
Here are some pictures:

A side view of Deepwood Estate

Hiking through Deepwood Gardens

Charlyn's Angles!! This was taken in a Garden area of Deepwood

The sweet couple!

Elizabeth and Jonathan

Walking through the Bush Gardens



Gorgeous pic of Sonia and Laura P.


The Brian Rose!


Josh, or uh...Mr. Tumnus

I love this picture!

I actually cropped it from the original, but the original is pretty too!

The steps of the Bush House

Front Porch

The Sitting Room

This is the first room we entered. This is Mr. Bush's piano. The painting, above the piano, is of his family ice skating in New York (I believe). But he would always tell his guests that it was the Willamette River. Too funny!

The Lady of the House

Guest Bedroom

This room was beautiful!

The youngest children's room! It was so cute!

The youngest children's dolls

On the steps of the Bush House

The Bennet Sisters, plus 2 more! :P

LtoR: Kimmy, Melissa (Charlyn's Cousins), Nicole (sister), Alaina, Emily, Sonia and Laura S.

FOOD!! Yeah, we were tired and hungry!

Guest of Honor!

I wanted to say something special to Charlyn when we were sharing gifts and special memories, but I didn't because I was feeling very ill. But here is what I want to say to her...

"Charlyn, you have become like a little sister to me, and I will really miss you! Make sure you always put God first in this new adventure you are taking!"


Unknown said…
I am so glad you put this together! It was a Great time, and you have some absolutly beautiful pictures.
pinkchocoholic said…
Thanks Heather, I've been truly blessed to be able to know you better and to have you for a friend. **hugs Heather**
Ana said…
Lady Heather~
Thank you for the comment you left on my blog.

How could I have gone so long without known of your blog?! I am so very disappointed that you've been blogging away without me knowing. But I know now, and I shall return. :)

I LOVE this post!! It is so Jane Austen-ish!!! What fun!!!

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