Dare To Be A Lady

"I am a lady, therefore I will not......
Disrespect my family. (Mom and Dad know best!)...
Sacrifice girl time. (They're pretty rockin'!)...
Initiate dates. (I want to be pursued!)...
Dress immodestly. (Modest is the hottest!)...
Open my own doors. (I'm not lazy, it's just that chivalry is not dead!)...
Make the first move. (I really stink at chess...)...
Have a potty-mouth. (Toilets belong in stalls...)...
Tempt my brothers in Christ. (He's someone's future husband.)...
Deny the power of prayer. (Amen.)...
Violate my purity. (True love waits.)...
Have the manners of a cavewoman. (I was not born in a barn.)...
Dance in a way that does not honor God. (Grinding is done in woodshop class, not on the dance floor.)...
Abuse my body with alcohol and other drugs. (My body is a temple of God!)...
Obsess about my physical appearance. (I am fearfully and wonderfully made.)...
Be discontent in my current situation. (God knows how to give good gifts--there's none like the present!)(A great guy is worth waiting for.)...
Underestimate the power of God. (He's bigger than my mistakes!)...
Date someone who doesn't respect me. (I am a Lady!!!)...
Disrespect the gentlemen in my life. (They deserve respect, too!)...
Defraud myself by putting myself in situations where I'm tempted to act un-ladylike. (don't flirt with fire) (Not how close CAN I get to the line... but how FAR can I get from the temptation!)"
* I found this on Facebook, but don't know the author. Well written!


Robert said…
A good summing up of what a lady is!
Would it be ok if I posted a link to this on my blog?
Heather said…
Yes, you are welcome to use this. I don't know who wrote it out, but they did a great job!

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