Snowstorm 2008

HPIM3633 It’s been quite a winter!! 

A snowstorm hit our valley, which the news called “The Arctic Blast”!  Well, it was quite a Blast!!  We haven’t had snow like this in YEARS!  But this was much more extreme than the last one we had!  Let’s just say we had 2 feet of snow!!!

I was ecstatic!!!  I’ve always wanted to have snow like this during Christmas…especially as I child!  I would daydream of it every time I heard “Sleigh Ride”!

0986Harvest-Posters-3 “It’ll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives”


Well, there was no sleigh ride, but my dad and I got to take a walk to the grocery store, since we were snowed in.   What an adventure! 


Doing this with my dad made me think of the stories he told us about when he was a little boy.  My dad lived in the good old days, the 1930’s.  He always told us that there was no such thing as school closures when it snowed.  They would just walk to school, like any other day.


There may have been a little bit of “Cabin Fever” among us, after awhile of being snowed in.  But my parents and I are quite the “homebodies”, so it took us awhile to really itch to get out of the house.

However, I was aching to go out and take pictures of it all!  The amateur photographer in me wanted to see what wonderful scenes I could capture!






We found many things to do around the house that needed to get done.  Like organizing the kitchen pantry and cupboards…

…worked on projects (cross-stitching a long awaited gift)HPIM4004

…had a tea party with my new Old Britain Castles Teapot, Cups and Saucers…HPIM3530 …and watched ALOT of Christmas movies!! 

What did Kitty do?  HPIM3624 She practically went in to hibernation mode!

All in all, I enjoyed the impromptu one week vacation!  And even though I missed some days of work, I knew the Lord would provide for my needs…and He did!




Adelheide said…
Hi Heather, it's good to hear from you again! That storm was pretty incredible, we had about a foot in my neck of the woods too. I love the cross stich you are doing, it is so cute!

I thought you might like to know, I've started my own blog. It will probably be mostly for my sewing projects.

Mrs.L said…
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Anonymous said…
Oh my, what lovely snow pictures!!
Your blog is beautiful.
It seems like we have much in common!!

Many Blessings,
Miss Jen

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