A Baby Changes Everything

I came across this song, “A Baby Changes Everything” by Faith Hill on Facebook. When I listened to it, I had no idea it was meant for her Christmas album. I just thought it was a country song about a young pregnant girl.

But I was pleasantly surprised when I heard in the middle of the song, "Shepherds gather 'round..."  Then I realized that the young pregnant girl was Mary, the mother of Jesus! So I replayed the song, and tears rolled down my eyes as I really listened to the song.

“My whole life was turned around!  I was lost, but now I’m found!  A baby changes everything…!


My prayer, this Christmas season, is to remember our Saviors birth and how He CHANGED EVERYTHING!  He is our Hope, our Salvation, our Deliverer, our Comforter…there is nothing too big or too small for Him!  Let us remember that everyday, and to pass on His Love to those who do not know Him, now and always! 





Wallers said…
Neat picture. Who takes your pics for you?

The song...Wow. I started listening to it before I read your whole post and thought the same thing. What a neat song.

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