Proverbs 17:27

"A man of knowledge uses words with restraint,
and a man of understanding
is even-tempered"
Proverbs 17:27
In todays reading of Proverbs, I came across this verse that I had underlined. Well, it's no secret that when a verse is underlined, it either means you have someone in your life that it relates to, or that you are the one who needs to apply it. Well, it's the latter for me.
I am a blunt person, and not always even-tempered. These 2 are not a good combo. My mouth tends to fly freely without thinking which causes to hurt, offend, or even anger someone. But when I'm angry, words just sting the one I'm flinging them at or cause them to get riled up; then I start a all out war, and I start regretting what I said. Normally, it my loved one's that I have done this to, and I HATE it!
God has worked in this area throughout my life. I have learned to restrain and be even-tempered, although I still have my moments. Thank the Lord, they are few! But I hope and pray that I will perfect them, because I no longer want to hurt the one's I love; nor do I want to bring these weaknesses into a marriage and have my children learn them.
Praise God, for His mercies are new every morning!


Amy said…
Two things....I bet you will mellow as you age, I sure have, and you can't go wrong giving it to God...he'll take your burden for you. Have a peaceful day!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing that because it is one of the things that I would like to work on to though I guess that my problem runs mainly in the thoughts that I have toward people since I am not one to really say thing out loud.
Ana said…
I know exactly what you mean. I have the same problem. I tend to just rattle off whatever comes to mind at the moment and usually end up regretting it. I hate how it makes others feel and I hate that I don't have the self-control to check my tongue. But, as you've so wonderfully said, praise the Lord for His faithfulness, grace and mercy each and every morning.

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