Civil War Reenacting

On the 4th of July weekend, my friends and I, took part in a Civil War Reenactment. This is my second year doing it, but my first "Official" year because last year I was just a guest. My friend Charlyn and I camped in the modern camp, but during the day, our friends, the Plett's, were our family (which you see above). They are the friends who put on the English Country Dancing Balls that I attend.
Here are just a few of the pictures I took of our weekend together. Enjoy!

Laura, our hair stylist for the weekend

Charlyn took this when I was sitting down, and it turned out quite nice!

Brian trying to get the fire started. No fire, no food!

Preparing dinner

Dinner music

Sewing the next day's dress

Dinner, thanks to Mama Plett

Traditional "Firehouse Theater"

On the way back to the tent

Us girls had a photoshoot


Charlyn, and the beautiful sunset behind her!

Laura and I

I just love Charlyn's skirt! 6 hoops make a dress!


I love the bounce our dresses make while dancing!


The Battle's!


I loved how Charlyn's hair looked the next day, thanks to our "hair stylist".

Look at that stroller!

Chatting, which is mostly what we did, besides watching battles, walking and helping with the meals.

The dress I wore the next day

More dancin'!!

Playing the spoons!



Amber said…
Wow! Those are great Heather! I'm so glad you had fun! I just wish we were there to enjoy it with you! But there is always next year!
Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed the pictures, too, Heather! Thanks for sharing them!
Ana said…
FUN, FUN, FUN!!! I'm so glad you went and took pictures and shared them!!! I really enjoyed looking at the pictures!!!!
Mrs. Laura Lane said…
What a great time you must have had! I think re-enacting would be so cool, but the dresses look so hot and uncomfortable for a big gal like me! ~smile~

I found your blog today. I'm enjoying it.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

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